Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

facetimi va rog propozitii cu aceste cuvinte ofer 10p. şi coroana va rog e urgent


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de iRack
Our teacher live in Bucherest.
My brother is funny.
This toilet was clean.
This hamburger is very delicious.
My sister like to eat chips.
We will buy a new blackboard.
We can see a zebra at page 53 (fifty-three, in caiet scri 53,am zis ca sa sti).
We will buy a new TV if it can not be repaired.
Everyday i make two sandwitches for my little sister.
Our classroom is big.
My sister is in bathroom about quater (quater-sfet) to 9 (a.m). ADICA 9 FARA UN SFERT.
I will buy a new book, because this book is very old.
This is the smalles monkey.
My uncle will buy a gift for me.
I will play a game after i do my homework.
I like the red apples, because it means the Christian's blood.
Coronita? :)

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