Engleza, întrebare adresată de AlecsandraAle, 9 ani în urmă

Family member.a)What do these words mean ?1. A cousin is the son or doughter of an aunt or uncle.1 cosuin , 2 nephew , 3 stepfather  , 4 stepbrother , 5 twin sister , 6 mother-in-law , 7 an only child ,8 foster parents , 9 in-laws.b)List all the other family words that you know.vc) How are the people below related?
1.Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman
2.Prince Philip and Prince Harry
3.Janet Leigh and Jamie Lee Cruis
4.Queen Elizabeth ll and Sophie, Countess of Wessex

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de andreeaacatallina
a) 1.Un verisor este fiul sau fiica unei matusi sau al unui unchi.
2. Nepot
3. Tata vitreg
4. Frate vitreg
5. Sora geamana
6. Soacra
7. Un singur copil in familie
8. Parinti adoptivi
9. In legi
b) Mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, parents of my parents
c) cauta pe net aici ca nu stiu
sper ca te.am ajutat

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