Engleza, întrebare adresată de mariacristea184, 8 ani în urmă

Fill in me, you, him, her, it, us, you and them.
1. My friend Tom lives in London. This is a parcel from
2. I'm sorry, I can't tell
what happened.
3. The children are hungry. Give
an apple.
4. We are thirsty. Can you give
some juice?
5. Jack is in the garden. Bring
his football.
6. Ann and Paul can't do their homework. Can you help
7. I can't help
tomorrow. I must visit my aunt.
8. These clothes are for poor children. Can you take
to the Red Cross?
9. This cake is for Carol and me. Please give
10. The roses are for mother. Please give
11. Where is father? Can you tell
where he is?
12. Where is the mouse? I can't see
13. Where is the post office? Can you tell
where it is?
14. What's your telephone number? I don't know
15. Our brother is very nice. He always helps
with the homework.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ignatedi44557


1. My friend Tom lives in London. This is a parcel from him

2. I'm sorry, I can't tell you

what happened.

3. The children are hungry. Give him

an apple.

4. We are thirsty. Can you give us

some juice?

5. Jack is in the garden. Bring him

his football.

6. Ann and Paul can't do their homework. Can you help them


7. I can't help you

tomorrow. I must visit my aunt.

8. These clothes are for poor children. Can you take them

to the Red Cross?

9. This cake is for Carol and me. Please give it


10. The roses are for mother. Please give it

to her

11. Where is father? Can you tell me

where he is?

12. Where is the mouse? I can't see it

13. Where is the post office? Can you tell me

where it is?

14. What's your telephone number? I don't know it

15. Our brother is very nice. He always helps us

with the homework.​

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