Engleza, întrebare adresată de Adde2002, 8 ani în urmă

Fill in : some , any , no , much , many , little or few.
A: There are ................ potatoes left , but there aren't ......... carrots.
B: Wll , I'll go to the shop and buy .......
How ......... do we need ?
A: We haven't got ..... butter left
I used it all yesterday.
B: Why don't you use margarine instead?
A: There were ....... tomatoes left at the greengrocer's this morning so I didn't buy .........
B: That's alright. I think I've got ......... tinned tomatoes in the cupboard.
A: I think you added too ........ salt to this soup.
B: Do you think so ? I only added a ..........

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
A. some, any
B. some, many
A. any
A. few, any
B. some
A. much
B. little

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