Engleza, întrebare adresată de petcucrisri08, 8 ani în urmă

Fill în the blanks below to complete the sentences

1. 1 (wait) Waited ten minutes for the bus.
2. He usually walks to work, but he (not/ walk)
to work yesterday
3. I was really (surprise)
when my friend (cook)
4. A:
you (order)
your food? B: Yes, we
5. My friends (not/play).
tennis because it was too hot outside
6. Troy (want)
to (study).
for the final exam
7. First, we (boil).
the water, and then we (pour)
it into a cup
8. A:
they (laugh).
at your joke? B: No, they
9. What time (do).
you (arrive)
at school this morning?
10. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin (land).
on the moon in July 1980
11. What
you (do)
last Saturday?
12. When I was a baby. I (cry).
a lot
13. A:
you (fox)
your bicycle? B: No. 1
14. The bag was very heavy, but I (carry)_
it to the truck.
15. How many times (do)
you (text)
your friend yesterday?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Lexy2706


2. didn't walk

3. surprised \ cooked

4. Did you order \ we did

5. didn't play

6. wants to study

7. boil \ pour

8. did they laugh \ they didn't

9. did you arrive

10. landed

11. did you do

12. cried

13. did you fox \ I didn't

14. carried

15. Did you text

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