Engleza, întrebare adresată de cristisebe54, 8 ani în urmă

Fill in the blanks using either the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.
1. “How long _______________________ (you/live) here?” “I____________________ (live) here since 1996.”
2. Some years ago Amazonia _____________________ (have) far more race species.
3. They _______________________ (not/see) him for ages. I wonder where he is.
4. I _______________________ (read) this book when I ___________________(be)
at school. I ___________________ (enjoy) it very much.
5. She ___________________ (meet) him last summer.
6. We ____________________ (miss) the bus. Now we have to walk.
7. “How much ________________________ (you/save) since Easter?”
“I______________________ (not/save) anything.”
8. _________________________ (you/ be) in the park this weekend?
9. We _________________________ (just/hear) the most extraordinary news.
10. It _________________________ (be) very cold this year. I wonder when it is going to get warmer.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de IuliaRobuRoza

1. did you live

2. had

3. had not seen

4. read, was

5. met

6. missed

7. have you saved

8. have you been

9. just heard

10. is

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