Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexandraaq, 8 ani în urmă

Fill in the blanks with a word from
box. Use each word only once :
selfish, bad-tempered , tough , crafty , sensitive , sensible , strict,
trustworthy , dull , shy , mean , reliable , stubborn , silly ,
nice , cheerful , sympathetic ,clumsy , loyal , gentle .
1. Janet is incredibly ………………………… . She always arrives on time and does her
job well.
2. It’s impossible to say anything to him. One word and he starts crying. He is
so ................................ !.
3. I wonder why he is so ................................. . He has got lots of money but he
hates spending it.
4. When she was a child, her parents were incredibly .................... . Whenever
she did the smallest thing wrong, they would send her to bed.
5. Ann is such a .................................. girl. She is always laughing and smiling.
6. Come on, Maria!. You can’t go on a country walk wearing high heels. Do be
...................................... for once.
7. I’ll give you a lift home if you’re .................................. to me.
8. She was so ........................................ and understanding. When I told her
my problems, I immediately felt better afterwards.
9. In westerns, the hero is always ................................ . He always beats
his enemies and can put up with any hardship.
10. That’s the second cup you’ve broken this week. Why do you have to be
so ............................... ? .
11. I think he is an extremely ................................ boy. He laughs at stupid things and never
concentrates in class.
12. Children are often really ................................... . They hide behind their
mothers when guests come.
13. Don’t be so .................................., Cathy. You’ve got to learn to share things
with other children
14. She is 100% .............................................. . I’d leave my money, car, anything,
for her to look after.
15. When I broke my leg, the nurse was so ........................................... that she
hardly hurt me at all.
16. Why do you get angry all the time?. You are so ............................................
17. Bob is my best friend. He remained ........................................... through all my problems.
18. He is such a ....................................... person with his boring little job and his boring little
19. He is terribly .......................................... . Once he has made up his mind, it
is impossible to get him to change it even if it’s obvious that he is
20.The general was really .................................................. . Just when the
enemy thought it had won the battle, he played his best card.
ma ajuta cineva pls

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Matei


Cerință - Trebuie să completăm spațiile libere din fiecare enunț cu cuvintele date mai sus. Fiecare cuvânt poate fi folosit doar o singură dată.

Cuvintele noastre sunt:

  • selfish = egoist
  • bad-tempered = obraznic, neastâmpărat
  • tough = dur, rezistent
  • crafty = viclean, șiret
  • sensitive = sensibil, emotiv
  • sensible = rațional, logic
  • strict = strict
  • trustworthy = de încredere
  • dull = plictisitor
  • shy = timid
  • mean = răutăcios
  • reliable = fiabil, pe care te poți baza
  • stubborn = încăpățânat
  • silly = prostuț
  • nice = amabil, de treabă
  • cheerful = vesel, fericit
  • sympathetic = simpatic
  • clumsy = neîndemânatic
  • loyal = loial
  • gentle = blând, delicat

Enunțurile sunt:

  1. Janet is incredibly reliable. She always arrives on time and does her  job well.
  2. It’s impossible to say anything to him. One word and he starts crying. He is  so sensitive!
  3. I wonder why he is so selfish. He has got lots of money but he  hates spending it.
  4. When she was a child, her parents were incredibly strict. Whenever  she did the smallest thing wrong, they would send her to bed.
  5. Ann is such a cheerful girl. She is always laughing and smiling.
  6. Come on, Maria! You can’t go on a country walk wearing high heels. Do be  sensible for once.
  7. I’ll give you a lift home if you’re nice to me.
  8. She was so sympathetic and understanding. When I told her  my problems, I immediately felt better afterwards.
  9. In westerns, the hero is always tough. He always beats  his enemies and can put up with any hardship.
  10. That’s the second cup you’ve broken this week. Why do you have to be so clumsy?
  11. I think he is an extremely silly boy. He laughs at stupid things and never  concentrates in class.
  12. Children are often really shy. They hide behind their  mothers when guests come.
  13. Don’t be so mean, Cathy. You’ve got to learn to share things  with other children .
  14. She is 100% trustworthy. I’d leave my money, car, anything,  for her to look after.
  15. When I broke my leg, the nurse was so gentle that she  hardly hurt me at all.
  16. Why do you get angry all the time? You are so bad-tempered.
  17. Bob is my best friend. He remained loyal through all my problems.
  18. He is such a dull person with his boring little job and his boring little  life.
  19. He is terribly stubborn. Once he has made up his mind, it  is impossible to get him to change it even if it’s obvious that he is  wrong.
  20. The general was really crafty. Just when the enemy thought it had won the battle, he played his best card.

- Lumberjack25

crissy2004: Lumberjack25 te rog ma ajuti si pe mine la engleza?
Matei: Salut, Crissy2004. Răspunsul este nu.
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