Engleza, întrebare adresată de gligastella17, 8 ani în urmă

Fill in the blanks with a word from the list.
1. On the poster there was a boy who was _______ striped pajamas.
2. People entered the cinema and _______ their seats.
3. People were __________ by the story.
4. People were sad and there were ________ in their eyes.
5. The film has ________ me to read the book.
6. The book teaches us to ________ what we have.
(the words to be put: tears, took, moved, appreciate, inspired, wearing)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de gabrielamoscovciuc


1 wearing

2 took

3 inspired

4 tears

5 made

6 appreciate

gligastella17: ms
gabrielamoscovciuc: cpl
Divad009: vezi că acolo e move
Divad009: nu made
Divad009: citește cu atenție....
gligastella17: ok
Divad009: și acolo era inspired, nu move
Divad009: se vede după timpul folosit și după verb....
Răspuns de Divad009


Sper că te-a ajutat răspunsul meu....


gligastella17: a fost corecte răspunsurile ms
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