Engleza, întrebare adresată de gsilvestru2, 8 ani în urmă

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb: have, do, get or go.
Every Sunday I get up at a quarter past nine in the morning.
a warm shower,
then _______ dressed and I _____ big delicious breakfast. At ten o'clock, ! --
running in the park for an hour.
lunch at half past twelve with my
friends at a cafe in the old city. When I finish lunch, I usually
shopping for a
couple of hours. When I come back home, I sometimes clean the house and
the washing. In the evening, I always
dinner with my family. I
bed at about eleven o'clock.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cosmina9844


1. get

2. have

3. go

4. go

5. do

6. have

7. go

(am notat spatiile cu numere ca să îți fie mai ușor)

sper că te-am ajutat

monicaborodescu: nu mai roblox
Răspuns de ajajaja46





Sper ca te am ajutat!!!

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