Engleza, întrebare adresată de negrularisa231owz7xu, 8 ani în urmă

Fill in the correct form(comparative or superlative)of the adverbs in brackets:
1-Those boys are behaving ________(badly).
2-I live_________(near) from school than Mary.
3-I wake up_______(easily) than my husband.
4-You couldn't have expressed yourself_______(ironically) than that.
5.I want to hear the events_________(briefly) possible.
6-I couldn't have upset her ________(bad) than that.
7-Of the three children,Tom visits her_________(frequently).
8-Could you think_______(wisely) than that?
9-I have never seen you behave_________(crazily) than now.
10-I can't behave________(seriously) than that right now.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Fill in the correct form (comparative or superlative) of the adverbs in brackets



1. Those boys are behaving the worst.

  • superlative

2. I live nearer from school than Mary.

  • comparative

3. I wake up easier than my husband.

  • comparative

4. You couldn't have expressed yourself more ironically than that.

  • comparative

5. I want to hear the events the most briefly possible.

  • superlative

6. I couldn't have upset her worse than that.

  • comparative

7. Of the three children,Tom visits her the most frequently.

  • superlative

8. Could you think more wisely than that?

  • comparative

9. I have never seen you behave crazier than now.

  • comparative

10. I can't behave more seriously than that right now.

  • comparative


Mai multe detalii legate de gradele de comparație se găsesc aici (aplicabile și pentru adverbe): https://brainly.ro/tema/3297212


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