Engleza, întrebare adresată de kitkat22, 8 ani în urmă

Fill in the correct form of the infinitive
2 She appears ……………. (work) on her composition for hours.

3 She has decided .. …………… (accept) my offer.

4 I’m hoping …………… (leave) by then so I won’t be able to come with you.

5 This carpet is filthy; it really needs …………. (clean) soon.

6 The waste from the power station is said ………………(pollute) the atmosphere for months.

7 It will be much too hot (wear) …………….a coat.

8 You must have been thirsty …………(drink) all that water.

9 He appears …………….. (injure) as a result of the fight.

10 You’re not expected …………. (pay) the whole amount today.

11 The report was supposed …………. (finish) two hours ago.

12 It was very cold earlier on today but it seems (warm up)……. now.

13 He claims …………… (discover) a cure for the common cold.

14 Can I trust you …………….(keep) this a secret?

15 She seems ……………. (work) too hard these days.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de BBTmL

2. She appears to work on her composition for hours.

3. She has decided to accept my offer.

4. I’m hoping to leave by then so I won’t be able to come with you.

5. This carpet is filthy; it really needs to be cleaned soon.

6. The waste from the power station is said to pollute the atmosphere for months.

7. It will be much too hot to wear a coat.

8. You must have been thirsty to drink all that water.

9. He appears to injure as a result of the fight.

10.  You’re not expected to pay the whole amount today.

11. The report was supposed to finish two hours ago.

12.  It was very cold earlier on today but it seems to warm up now.

13.  He claims to discover a cure for the common cold.

14. Can I trust you to keep this a secret?

15. She seems to work too hard these days.​

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