Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

Fill in the gaps with the correct future tense - will,be going to or present continuous.
1) I promise I ........... (not tell) anyone this secret.
2) Take your umbrella with you.It .............. (rain)
3)What are they ...............(do) this evning?
4) I ............. (go) to cinema tomorrow.
5) They............... (fly) yo Seattle next summer hloidays,
6) I.....................(invte) 50 people to the party and I hope everyone..........(come).
7) That exercise looks difficult. I ................... (help) you.
8) ............... he ...............(go) to the football match?
9) Are you sure they ................ (win) the match?
10) She probably ................... (stay) until Thursday.
11) He .......................... (not leave) tomorrow.
12) We think he ........................ (come) late in the night.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Fill in the gaps with the correct future tense - will, be going to or present continuous.



1) I promise I won't tell (will not tell) anyone this secret.

2) Take your umbrella with you. It's going to rain.

3) What are they doing this evening?

4) I am going to the cinema tomorrow.

5) They are going to fly to Seattle next summer holidays.

6) I am going to invite 50 people to the party and I hope everyone is coming.

7) That exercise looks difficult. I will help you.

8) Is he going to go to the football match?

9) Are you sure they will win the match?

10) She is probably staying until Thursday.

11) He is not going to leave tomorrow.

12) We think he will come late in the night.


Succes la școală și pe brainly!

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