Engleza, întrebare adresată de pisiscel, 9 ani în urmă

fill in the gaps with the past simple or the past continous of the verbs in bracket
1.We___________(find)an old box
while we_______(dig)in the garden
2.Someone___(take)Paul's bag
while he ____________(make) a phone call
3. While we(jog)_______in the park,Lola____(fall over)
4.Wen Helen (be)______in school she (learn)_________to speak Spanish
5. At 7 o'clok,Tony_______(sit)on the couch and_______(watch)the football match
6.While Corinne(drink)_Someone orange juice,she(drop)________the glass
7 Molly(not be)_________at home when I (visit)______her yesterday
8.When I (hear)________the doorbell,I (get up)______and I (go)______to epen the door

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Anișoara22122003
found, were diging Took, was making Were jogging, fall over Was, was learning Sat, watched Was drinking, droped Wasnt, visited Heard, got Up, went

pisiscel: Mersii
Anișoara22122003: Cu plecere
Anișoara22122003: placere*
pisiscel: Esti buna la engleza?Apropo o sa pun teme Duminica si joi! (La engleza)
Anișoara22122003: Ma descurc bine cu engleza (o vorbesc de mică), aștept cu nerăbdare orice întrebare despre engleza
pisiscel: Mersii mult de tot :*****
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