Engleza, întrebare adresată de iuliantasca620, 8 ani în urmă

Fill in the parts of the bodies of these animals:


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de beatriceradu85


Completați părțile corpurilor acestor animale:


1) Cal Crupa – regiune a corpului aflata in partea superioara a trunchiului, cuprinsa intre sale si baza cozii

Spinarea – partea corpului situata de-a lungul coloanei vertebrale

Greaban – regiune a corpului situata intre gat si spinare.

Coama – parul lung care creste pe grumazul calului

Pulpa – segment al piciorului cuprins intre sold si genunchi

Jaret – articulatie a membrului posterior, situata intre gamba si fluier.

Pinten – formatiune cornoasa situata in partea de dinapoi si de jos a piciorului

Bulet – denumire data articulatiei gleznei calului, situata intre chisita si osul fluierului

Pantec – regiunea anatomica situata intre torace si pelvis continand viscerele abdominale

Flanc – fiecare dintre cele doua parti laterale ale peretelui abdominal, cuprinse intre ultima coasta si sold

Antebrat – parte a membrelor anterioare la animale, intre cot si genunchi.

Mot – parul de pe frunte

Engleză - Croup - region of the body located in the upper part of the trunk, between it and the base of the tail

Spinal cord - the part of the body located along the spine

Greaban - region of the body located between the neck and back.

Hair - long hair that grows on the horse's neck

Pulp - segment of the leg between the hip and knee

Jaret - joint of the hind limb, located between the leg and the whistle.

Spur - horny formation located in the back and bottom of the foot

Bullet - name given to the joint of the horse's ankle, located between the chisel and the whistle bone

Belly - the anatomical region located between the chest and pelvis containing the abdominal viscera

Flank - each of the two sides of the abdominal wall, between the last rib and hip

Forearm - part of the forelegs in animals, between the elbow and the knee.

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