Alte limbi străine, întrebare adresată de briceagvalentinioan, 8 ani în urmă

Fill in the right form of the verb:
Example: Jack ... ......(go) to the mountains next summer.
Jack will go to the mountains next summer.
1. Grandma ...
(leave) next Tuesday.
2. We ....
(have) time to play tomorrow.
3. Mary
....(go) to school next year.
4. First I...
(have) breakfast, then ......... (do) my homework.
5. Next year Mike
...... (spend) Christmas with his friends.
6. They
... (visit) their friends on Tuesday.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim


Fill in the right form of the verb:

Example: Jack goes(go) to the mountains next summer.

Jack will go to the mountains next summer.

1. Grandma leaves

(leave) next Tuesday.

2. We have

(have) time to play tomorrow.

3. Mary

goes(go) to school next year.

4. First I have

(have) breakfast, then make (do) my homework.

5. Next year Mike

Spends (spend) Christmas with his friends.

6. They

Visit(visit) their friends on Tuesday

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