fill in the right word to describe animals

Răspunsuri la întrebare
1.When elephants fight, they use their tusks.
Când elefanții se luptă, își folosesc tusele
2.The camel's whiskers humps are not deposits of water, but deposits of fat.
Ciupercile de bici ale cămilei nu sunt depuneri de apă, ci depozite de grăsime
3.Bears have got strong claws to catch fish from the mountain rivers.
Urșii au gheare puternice pentru a prinde pești din râurile de munte.
4.Parrots have got colourful feathers.
Papagalii au pene colorate.
5.A lioness doesn' have a mane, but a lion does.
O leoaică nu are mane, dar un leu are.
6.Hippos bite their prey with very strong teeth.
Hipopotanii își mușcă prada cu dinții foarte puternici.
7.A cat's whiskers help it sense the objects around
Batuturile unei pisici il ajuta sa simta obiectele din jur
1.When elephants fight, they use their tusks.
2.The camel's whiskers humps are not deposits of water, but deposits of fat.
3.Bears have got strong claws to catch fish from the mountain rivers.
4.Parrots have got colourful feathers.
5.A lioness doesn' have a mane, but a lion does.
6.Hippos bite their prey with very strong teeth.
7.A cat's whiskers help it sense the objects around