fill in the sentences with:am,are,is
a)the cat _is____ playing with a mouse.
b)I _____ building a sandcastle.
c)my brother _________ diving.
d)we _____ writing an e-mail.
e)John and Mary ________ skiing.
f)the dog _______sleping inferior the bed.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Fill in the sentences with: am, are, is.
Completaţi spaţiile libere cu am, are, is (formele corecte de prezent continuu ale verbului "to be" - a fi).
Rezolvarea exerciţiului
a) The cat is playing with a mouse.
Pisca se joacă cu un şoarece.
b) I am building a sandcastle.
Eu construiesc un castel de nisip.
c) My brother is diving.
Fratele meu face scufundări.
d) We are writing an e-mail.
Noi scriem un e-mail.
e) John and Mary are skiing.
John şi Mary schiază.
f) The dog is sleeping in front of the bed.
Câinele doarme în faţa patului.
Să ne reamintim că timpul Present Tense Continuous exprimă o acţiune care se petrece în momentul vorbirii.
To play
I am playing
You are playing
He/she/it is playing
We are playing
You are playing
They are playing