Engleza, întrebare adresată de nimeni1277, 9 ani în urmă

Fill in: who, whom, which, that, whose.
1. Did you talk to the parents ... children are naughty?
2. The milk ... you bought is sour.
3. Please give me the keys ... are on the table.
4. What's the name of the lady ... daughter babysits for you?
5. Tom is playing with the boy ... lives next door.
6. Is that mean ... we saw in the park yesterday?
7. Have you eaten all the cakes ... i made yesterday?
8. How old is the man ... wife owens this shop?
9. The parcel ... is on the table is your birthday present.
10. Have you met the man ... she's getting married to?
11. We spent our holiday in a small village ... is near the sea.
12. I still write to the friend ... i met twenty years ago.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de turbatucostel1984















nimeni1277: Mulțumesc!
turbatucostel1984: Cu plăcere!
turbatucostel1984: Apropo la 10 e defapt who şi la 12 e that scuze că am greșit doar că mă gândeam la alea două
10minecraft: ;) chiar daca te-ai uitat la raspunsul meu e ok te iert
nimeni1277: Vă mulțumesc amândurora!
turbatucostel1984: Nu mam uitat dar dacă crezi că mam uitat la răspunsul tă asta e
10minecraft: ok
Răspuns de 10minecraft


1. Did you talk to the parents whose children are naughty?

2. The milk that you bought is sour.

3. Please give me the keys wich are on the table.

4. What's the name of the lady whose daughter babysits for you?

5. Tom is playing with the boy who lives next door.

6. Is that mean

7. Have you eaten all the cakes that i made yesterday?

8. How old is the man whose wife owens this shop?

9. The parcel that is on the table is your birthday present.

10. Have you met the man who she's getting married to?

11. We spent our holiday in a small village which is near the sea.

12. I still write to the friend that i met twenty years ago.

Cu placere!

apropo cuvintul whom nu exista sau ai gresit.

in rest totul e ok.

turbatucostel1984: Apropo pot să te întreb ceva doar dacă şti dacă nu e ok
10minecraft: intreabama orice ;)
turbatucostel1984: ok ms poți să intri pe contul meu şi să răspunzi la întrebările care le-am întrebat cele cu vlad țepeş dar cea mai nouă şi Îți spun să te duci acolo şi să ei puncte şi dacă e corect Îți dau coroană dacă nu le vrei atunci pot să îți spun întrebările aici
10minecraft: scuze dar eu nu sunt bun la istorie , sau alta materie . Eu ma pricep doar la engleza.
turbatucostel1984: ok nu numic
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