Engleza, întrebare adresată de ImSmOkeALoT, 8 ani în urmă

Fill in with the correct form of the verb in brackets. All verbs are
in Past Tense: My nephew ....... (run) away from home two months ago.
He….…(sleep) on the streets for days, he……(wear) the same
clothes for weeks and he almost……….(freeze) to death because
it……..(be) winter. His parents……(be) desperate and………(look)
for him everywhere. When they finally …..…(find) him, he was
unrecognizable but they ….….(forgive) him. He was their only
6. Last summer I……..(spend) two weeks at the seaside in Greece.
I……(fly) there at the end of July and I….…(stay) at a five-star
hotel. I …….(swim) every day and I……..(feel) really relaxed while
I was there.
7. When George….…(hear) that somebody was coming, he ……(hide)
under the bed.
8. I…….(see) her last Wednesday. My mother….…(drive) me to the
mall and there she was, in the parking lot. I……..(tell) my mother to
drop me there and ….…(go) up to her. I …..…(tell) her how sorry I
was for everything and I…..…(understand) from the way she looked
at me that she ….…(be) happy to see me. We…….(speak) about
school for a while and just when I was going to invite her to the
party, my phone ………(ring).
9. Ian ….…(grow) up in a quiet neighbourhood and he….…(know) all
his neighbours.
10. I……..(think) your father………(teach) you to swim last

11. When Sarah……(be) little she……(keep) a diary. Once
she……(fight) with her little brother and he….…(sneak) into her
room and ……(steal) it. Unfortunately, he…….(break) something
while he was leaving her room and she……..(catch) him red-handed.
12. On my birthday my friends ……(sing) “Happy birthday” to me
and they……..(bring) me a dog as a present, who ………(bite) me the
next day.
13. The show….…(begin) at 7:45 but I couldn’t get there on time
because I……..(leave) home at 7: 30.
14. The British athlete ….…(win) the race and he ………(choose)
to donate the prize money to a charity.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de eti2016

ran,slept,wore,froze, was,were,looked,found,forgave,spent,flew,stand,swam,felt,heard,hid,swam, drove, told, went,told,understood, was,spoke,rang,grew,knew, thought, tought, was,

kept,fought,sneaked, stole, broke, caught, sang, brought, bit, began, left, won, chose

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