Engleza, întrebare adresată de Bogdan9428, 8 ani în urmă

Fill in with the missing word (the first letter is given):
1. If you’ve got the same traits as your parents, it means you have i…………...them
from your parents.
2. If someone is r…………..., it means they are impolite.
3. I have no s…………...in how money is spent in my family – my parents
…………...the decisions.
4. I couldn’t eat that broccoli due to its unappealing s…………...of dull green.
5. The money just came out of the b…………...! Nobody expected it!
6. What a shock! I was totally b…………... to see her on TV!
7. The w…………...of the coffee made her feel better – she no longer felt cold.
8. I was w…………...to work overtime to finish everything on time.
9. She has always been good at selling things – she works in r…………....
10. I can’t s…………...these cartoons! They’re just horrible!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de xxTRYDENIZxx


1 ill

2 rude

3  sense ,make

4 so

5 tree

6 better


8 watch

9 right

10 see

xxTRYDENIZxx: sper sa fie bine
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