Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

fill in with who/that/whose.
1.air wainter is someone......... serves in a restaurant
2.a kangaroo is an animal........ lives in australia
3.the man ........is standing in thehall is my uncle

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de darthjarjar
1. who
2. that
3. who

Utilizator anonim: dar aici nu stii
Utilizator anonim: 4.the boy......dog is in the yard is our new pup[il
darthjarjar: whose
Utilizator anonim: 5.a person ........ can speak more languages is a polyglot
darthjarjar: who
Utilizator anonim: 6.there are many books.........describe the life of famous people
Utilizator anonim: daca stii spunemi te rog
darthjarjar: 4. whose, 5. who, 6. that
Răspuns de biancai23
1 --> who
2 --> that
3 --> who
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