Engleza, întrebare adresată de Roxanamilieş, 9 ani în urmă

Find correct items and complete the following sentences:
a.If he...swimming this weekend,...a wonderful time.
b.If you don't eat your dinner tonight,....hungry.
c.If...tired,they'll go to sleep early tonight.
d.If it....,she'll wear he new raincoat.
e.If you...too many cookies after dinner tonight,.....get a stomachache.
f.If I....too much coffe,.....get a headache.
Vă rog mult,ajutați-mă.

Ary1888: Dar ce tema treceti? Ce se cere mai exact de facut? Ceva cu "is'' sau "are" ?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Ary1888
A.If he .. swimming this weekend, he will have a wonderful time.
b.If you don't eat your dinner tonight,you'll be hungry.
c.If they will be tired,they'll go to sleep early tonight.
d.If it....,she'll wear he new raincoat.
e.If you will do too many cookies after dinner tonight,you will get a stomachache.
f.If I will drink too much coffe, I'll get a headache.
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