Engleza, întrebare adresată de Eviioa, 8 ani în urmă

Find the error in each sentence and re write it corectly


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de bee55


1) I staied home.

2) Most of children like plays

3) We are going away for few days *aici nu e nici o greseala*

4)I am nou working tomorrow, so I don't have to get up early.

5) What long has it been rain ?

6) Marry said that she will rewrite the book *nu e nici o greseala*

7) I want to the shopping center and I brought some new clothes.

8) My friend, Sara bring her dog at school one day.

9) I met Holly a very long time ago.We werw studing at the same school *nu e nici o greseala*

10) In the first English teacher teach us sime new words for sports


Răspuns de isabella2007


I stayed home at my sisters house.

Most of the children like playing.

Were going away for a few days.

Im not working tommorow so i dont have to get up early.

How long has it been rainining?

Mary says that she will rewrite the book.

I went to the shoping centre and there i bought some clothes.

MY friend sara brought her dog to school one Day .

I met holly a long time ago. We studied at the same school

In the first lesson our english teacher thought us some new words for sports.

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