Engleza, întrebare adresată de cristina25danie, 8 ani în urmă

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mihneanicualie
Erik Look a bus schoop

cristina25danie: ???
mihneanicualie: scris greșit Erik look a bus school
cristina25danie: tot nu inteleg
mihneanicualie: adica eric uite un autobuz scolar
Răspuns de MrsAnca

2-Mmm,i enjoy this meal.

3-it's hot today.Do you want a drink?

4-plane for istambul leaves at 8.30

5-we don't go often to the cinema.

6-jack is walking to work today because his car won't work .

7-how often do they visit the dentist?  in functie de cata gramatica ai facut la scoala se poate si

how often have they visited the dentist?

8-look the bus is coming

9-bruce is coming from Australia,he lives there.


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