Engleza, întrebare adresată de lagmilory, 9 ani în urmă

Formulați 16 propoziți interogative, după regula Do/Des + Subiect + V1. Cuvintele cu care trebuie făcute propozițiile sunt: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they. Câte două cu fiecare propoziție.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de aprilserendipity
Do I run fast?
Do I write correctly?
Do you eat vegetables?
Do you like cakes?
Does he ride a bike?
Does he read many books?
Does she drive a car?
Does she ride her horse?
Does it rain often here?
Does it bite?
Do we finish soon?
Do we arrive soon?
Do you stay long?
Do you play the piano?
Do they work hard?
Do they visit you?

Răspuns de pme

do i speak?

do i love so much?

do you knou about the book?

do you cook very well?

does he swim in te pool?

does he sit down?

does she go to school?

does she eat the pizza?

does it is black?

does it is red?

do we love te cat?

do we eat a soup

do you spesk English?

do you call me of the phone?

do they are children?

do they tell him?

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