Engleza, întrebare adresată de stefanmnt09, 8 ani în urmă

Formulați o compunere în engleză cu 25- 40 de cuvinte folosind 10 acțiuni în prezentul continuu. Povestea imaginara și amuzanta​

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Răspuns de davradulescu

Today, i was very hungry and I tought i should go to the kitchen and eat sometheing, my mom was cooking and i asked her what she s cooking. She said that she is cooking a steak right now and that i should go to my bedroom and wait for her to finish cooking. I was going to go to my bedroom , but i saw my dad , he was watching the news program on the TV. I got to my bedroom and there i saw my brother playing on the computer , i asked him if i could play and he said yes. So i played with him and then my mom told me to go and eat dinner.

stefanmnt09: mulțumesc!
davradulescu: npc
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