Engleza, întrebare adresată de targaryen13, 8 ani în urmă

Full in the missing word
19: im afraid I just don’t approve...........this kind of behaviour
20: The fans got really carried.......when Beckham scored goal


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de livioararascan

Ex 1:

1. A fire broke OUT in the school cafeteria last night.

2. They're tired. They HAVE been painting all morning.

3. Are you HAVING a good time, Jim?

4. Bill is nineteen, so he's still in his TEENS.

5. When he reached 65 he RETIRED from work.

6. Oh no! I haven't finished my homework YET!

7. He usually MOWS the lawn on Sundays.

8. Peter was washing the dishes WHEN the phone rang.

9. IS Janet thinking of moving to Italy?

10. We USED to play football everyday when I was a teenager.

11. Jason was accused OF cheating on the test.

12. Did you know that John was dismissed FROM his job?

13. I don't know how she copes WITH a full-time job and family.

14. I got to the theatre once in a BLUE moon.

15. Sarah was cleaning the attic when she came ACROSS her grandmother's silver necklace.

16. Because of a childhood illness she LOST her hearing. Now she can't hear at all.

17. My wallet has disappeared into THIN air!

18. Reading my old diaries always BRING back memories of my childhood.

19. I'm afraid I just don't approve OF this kind of behavior!

20. The fans got really carried AWAY when Beckham scored a goal.

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