Engleza, întrebare adresată de pisicutamiaumiau106, 8 ani în urmă

Fun Time-5
Play the game in two groups. Each group has a different
starting point. Use rubbers as markers. Roll the dice to
move across the board. Answer correctly or go back one
space. The group that reaches FINISH first is the winner!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de annelanedanebane

Nu trebuie să scrii nimic in caiet, doar joacă dacă vrei.

Răspuns de CristianaKnows
I am looking for the map…
…who is in danger.
Is there anything…
The man whose wife…
Everyone on the beach…
…the pollution poisoning the water.
We were advised…
…somewhere in Russia.
…of a place with lots of wildlife.
Over consumption is the …
…nuclear waste correctly.
There’s no one …
To look through the magazine…
The boy who works…
…are facing extinction.
…everywhere in the world.
Will be visited…
Was equal to 80 million
…whose parents are both vets.
There’s nothing we can do.
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