Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexandradradu, 8 ani în urmă

Future simple or future continous;::
1 I hopeI I ... (have) another blues care oferă my own în the near future
2 I promise I .... (help) you tomorrow.
3 I hopeI they ...... (tell) him the detalii
4 This time tomorrow we.... (have) another important meeting with the share holdele
5 The media analysis (be ready) by 12 o'clock
6 I ...... (take care) of mumba as long as the nedespărțit it
7 I have decidedicat to divorțează as I know I never ...... (be) happy with him
8 Don't you dare slip school again as I .... (watch)you
9 Tomorrow morning I certându (be) very tired

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Christien

will have

will helping

will tell

would have

will be ready

will taking care

will being

will watch

will be

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