Engleza, întrebare adresată de marialuizascoala62ro, 7 ani în urmă

G 2. Make sentences negative: 1. The girls club yesterday. 2. Helen week, 3. We yesterday. 4. They 5. Nick yesterday. 6. Ben Tuesday. 7. I 8. Pam week. 9. Sam yesterday. 10. It (go) to the dance (be) the first last (speak) to our friends + (be) absent yesterday. (jog) in the street (watch) a new film last + (speak) German well. (fly) to Canada last (be) at the concert .(be) windy yesterday.​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mihadidi123


the girls didn't go to the club yesterday

helen hasn't be the first last week

we didn't speak

they don't be

Răspuns de sset


The girls didn't club yesterday.

Helen wasn't the first last week.

We didn't speak to our friends yesterday.

They weren't absent yesterday.

Nick didn't jog in the street yesterday.

Ben didn't watch a new film last Tuesday.

I don't speak German well.

Pam didn't fly to Canada last week.

Sam wasn't at the concert yesterday.

It wasn't windy yesterday.

Alte întrebări interesante