Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

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livioararascan: Can he come on the train with me or does he need a ticket?
2. I'm sorry. He can't only passengers can board the train.
3. Can I change seats with you?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de galiasmina
Can he •come• on the train with me or does he need a ticket?

I’m sorry,he •can’t•.Only passengers can board the train

Could I •change• seats with you?

Yes,you •can•.Go right ahead.I’m getting off soon.

Răspuns de irinecarolinep4jv9x

Can he •come• on the train with me or does he need a ticket?

I’m sorry,he •can’t•.Only passengers can board the train

Could I change seats with you?

Yes,you can Go right ahead.I’m getting off soon.

sper sa te ajute :))

galiasmina: nu 100% nu miai dat copy paste
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