Engleza, întrebare adresată de bbanari794, 7 ani în urmă

Give extensive answers: 1) Why would the audience expect the actors to know their parts by heart? 2) What role did the actor have to perform in a highly suc- cessful play? 3) Why do you think the actor always insisted that the letter which was handed to him by the gaoler should be written out in full? 4) What kind of copy of the letter did the prisoner get one day? 5) Why did the actor squint his eyes when he started reading the letter, which in fact, was a blank sheet of paper? 6) Why was it necessary for the gaoler to bring a pair of glasses and the usual copy of the letter on the stage? 7) What do you think followed next?​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de vicapascaru8


1) The audience would expect the actors to know their parts by heart because it is a key part of the theatrical experience and helps to ensure that the show runs smoothly. Knowing one's lines and blocking allows the actor to respond quickly and accurately to any changes or cues from other actors or directors. This also helps to create a more believable performance, as the actors are able to respond naturally rather than needing to pause and think about what they should say next.

2) The actor had to perform a variety of roles in a highly successful play, such as delivering lines, interpreting character motivations, and creating believable relationships with other characters on stage. In addition, they had to be able to adjust their performance according to any changes that might occur during rehearsals or performances.

3) The actor likely insisted that the letter which was handed to him by the gaoler should be written out in full because he wanted to ensure that he was reading it accurately and completely. He may have been concerned that if he simply glanced at it, he might miss something important or misinterpret some part of it. By having it written out in full, he could make sure he understood everything correctly before delivering his lines.

4) The prisoner got a copy of the letter on one day which was written on a blank sheet of paper with no words visible on it. This was done so that when the actor read it aloud during performance, there would be no confusion as to what was being said and so that the audience could follow along without having any preconceived notions about what was being said in advance.

5) The actor squinted his eyes when he started reading the letter because he wanted to make sure he could see every word clearly before delivering his lines. He may have been worried that if he couldn't read everything clearly then his performance would suffer or be inaccurate in some way.

6) It was necessary for the gaoler to bring a pair of glasses and the usual copy of the letter on stage because this ensured that both actors were able to read from the same version of the letter during performances. This helped them both stay consistent with their interpretation of what was being said in each scene, ensuring that there were no discrepancies between them which could confuse or detract from their performances.

7) After squinting at the letter for a few moments, most likely followed by an appropriate reaction from him such as shock or surprise depending on what was contained within it, most likely followed by an appropriate response from him such as delivering his lines according to how they were written out in full on this particular copy of this particular letter which had been handed over by this particular gaoler at this particular moment in time during this particular performance.

P.S sper că te-am ajutat:)))))

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timciucdumitrita: ms mult
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