Engleza, întrebare adresată de plaesumarinela, 8 ani în urmă

7. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Simple affirmative:
a. The boys .................... to the gym every weekend. (to go)
b. My sister ............nost............. a very good friend, Rita. (to have)
с. Не
......... TV every evening. (to watch)
d. Jim ....
........... to Hampton College and his friends ..
.......... to Burton Colle
(to go, to go)
e. My brother and my sister .....
..... to buy me a dog. (to want)
f. This airplane ....
................. to London and back every week. (to fly)
g. My teachers usually ................. ........ us very good grades. (to give)
h. He always .....
....... his homework in the afternoon. (to do)
i. The baby sometimes.
...... a lot. (to cry)
......... to a different country every year. (to travel)
j. My aunt
8. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Simple negative:
a. They
... to the seaside in summer. (to go)
b. He ....
........ to go to the party. (to want)
c. We
........ his address. (to know)
d. Julia
............. hot chocolate. (to like)
e. We ...
................ in the evenings. (to go out)
f. My dog ............
............. cats very much. (to like)
g. My dog and my cat.
................. very well. (to get along)
h. Their parents ...
.................. to go to that concert tomorrow. (to want)
i. Her sister
............. to me. (to talk)
j. She
.................. his name. (to know)
9. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Simple interrogative (question
.. to come with us? (you, to want)
the password to that computer? (Martin, to know)
... like going to the movies tonight? (you, to feel)
............ in ghosts? (he, to believe)
... you are here? (your parents, to know)
... you a lot of homework? (your teachers, to give)
in the evening? (your mother, to cook)
........... a uniform in your school? (students, to wear)
.... to go out tonight? (you, to want)
. eating sea food? (your father, to like)
10. Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in the Present Simple:
In my city people have a lot of fun. For example, in summer, youngsters usually (1-to go) to the
swimming pool or to a sports centre, where they (2-to play) many sports. But they (3- not go)
to the theatre, which is a bad thing. But adults do. My mother, for example, (4-to buy) theatre
tickets every week and she (5- to take) my father to see a play. (6-to go, you) to the theatre?
Also, in winter, the City Hall (7- to organize) a big winter fair in the Central Square. My sister
(8- not like) iceskating, but I do, so I (9- to go there almost every day.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ignarahela2000
b. has
d.goes, go
e. want
i. cries
j. travels

8.a. don’t go
b. doesn’t want
c.don’t know
d.doesn’t like
e.don’t go out
f.doesn’t like
g.dont get along
h.don’t want to
i.doesn’t talk
j.doesn’t know

9. Do you want to come with us ?
Does Martin know the password to that computer.
Do you feel like going to the movies tonight?
Does he believe believe in ghosts?
Do your parent know you are here?
Do teachers give you a lot of homework?
Does your mother cook in the evening ?
Do students wear a uniform in your school?
Do you want to go out tonight?
Does your father like eating sea food ?

10.1-go, 2-play, 3-don’t go, 4-buys, 5-takes, 6-Do you go, 7-organise , 8-doesn’t like , 9- go
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