Engleza, întrebare adresată de vchpxy, 8 ani în urmă

Heeei, mă puteți ajuta, va rog frumos. Nu mă pricep la Engleză.​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de patrick289


1 didnt 2 went 2 was 4would 5 got 6 would get 7 would start 8 would 9 would phone 10 wouldnt 11 got 12 would

vchpxy: Mă poți ajuta și la cealaltă întrebare,te rog?
patrick289: imd
vchpxy: Mulțumesc frumos!
Răspuns de xxandreea5


what would you do if you were be alone in a strange city ???

u wouldn't go out..If I would go out alone,I would be scared of getting lost.

But what would haplen if you would get lost ?

Id I would get lost,I would start to panic.

Would you ask a stranger for help?

No way ! I would phone someone.

I didn't be wouldn't be worried if i would get lost.I think it would be super fun !

xxandreea5: Scuze !!! am scris repede si am gresit niște litere, dar sper ca intelegi !!!
vchpxy: Mulțumesc frumos!
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