Engleza, întrebare adresată de LightInNight7, 8 ani în urmă

Hei! Am nevoie de o opinie in engleza pentru " the best job " si nu am nicio idee.. orice idee e binevenita :)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de andreeahanea48
I think the best job is walking someone's dog or dogs. It's realxing to go to the park and play with the dogs, walk them and other things. It's funny how you can play with them! And they are cute too. Everybody love dogs. And you can also ''work out'' by running with them.

Sper ca te am ajutat, daca vrei sa fie mai lunga pot sa o fac!

Răspuns de curmeidenisa00oy18f8
To my mind the best job is hard to pick. You can find flaws in every job and this can change your mind very fast. Despite this, for me, the best job is being a doctor.
At the beginning is hard because you have to be very very good and hardworking but if you love what you are doing it is no way being a doctor is not a good job. You are payd well and you get the satisfaction of helping people. You are seen well in the society and that is a plus. Of course this job can have drawbacks such as delicate cases or sutuatians in which you cant help people. after all I still consider being a doctor the best job
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