Engleza, întrebare adresată de Gaby2002, 9 ani în urmă

Heii. Va rog din suflet ma ajutati si pe mine sa fac cate 5 propozitii la Present Simple , Present Continuous si Past tense simple? Va rog

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Mih2007
Present t simple He drinks milk every morning. Do you speak English? She doesn't like orange juice. I do my homework daily. Don't answer me back! Present t continue. I'm cooking dinner now. Is he sleeping at the moment? You aren't writing anything now. They are running now. I m watching tv now. Past tense simple. I visited my grandparents last week. Did you clean your room? She met him on the way to school. We didn't go to the party last Saturday night. He fixed his bike yesterday.

Gaby2002: Ms mult
AlexandruSelea: Ajuta-ma si pe mine Mih2007 , vezi ca am postat ! Plsss 
Mih2007: Cu drag
AlexandruSelea: La engleza e Mih2007 , te rog mult ! 
Mih2007: Te as ajuta, dar Nu stiu care este ex tau
AlexandruSelea: E la Engleza  , am postat :D Uita-te te rog :D 
AlexandruSelea: Uite Mih2007 , intra pe acest link http://brainly.ro/tema/1934713 
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