Hello! Am nevoie de o compunere in engleza care sa descrie aceasta imagine. Îți poți imagina foarte multe lucruri cu privire la fata și la poveste, cum ar fi: ai putea sa spui ca fata e o slujitoare închisă intr-o camera și ca avea doar un scaun și o pasare care era închisă in acea cușcă, ai putea spune ca are un jurnal in care scrie ceva, ai putea spune ca era depresiva, foarte trista, închisă in ea; te poți lega de culorile picturii, a pereților, care exprima dinnou Tristețe; ai putea spune ca podeaua are culoarea solului, a pământului, iar pereții au culoarea cerului, semnificându-le...
Va rog frumos sa ma ajutați cât de repede puteți! Ofer câte de multe puncte pot și chiar ma tin de cuvânt!

Răspunsuri la întrebare
The painting
Once there was a girl called Anna. She was a girl out of the ordinary. Why? becasue she had a secret talent. She was a very talented Ballet dancer, talent that was forbidden at that times, considered a witch ritual made by horrible pepole. And that's why the village she lived in hated her.
She was presented to the world of ballet when her parents were killed by a fire, but she luckily survived being saved by an old lady who raised her and taught her all she knew. Including ballet.
When the old lady died she had felt like half of her soul had died. She was... deppresed. She'd lost her parents at the age of 5 and noe she lost the old lady who raised her. She decided to move to the village she lives in now. Thinking that ballet was nothing of the usual she went to the playhouse of the town to earn her money there as a dancer. The manager of the playhouse was very very suspicios and rejected her on the spot.
Do you wanna know how did the old lady knew ballet and why it was completly normal in the other village?
She was a witch herself, like evreybody in the village excep of her parents who were normal pepole. The old lady had set the house on fire becasue she was cruel.
sorry daca e cam creepy dar vine de la o fata la fel de ciudata ca povestea :).
in plus vine de la o OBSEDATA de Harry Potter asa ca mult noroc la scoala.