Engleza, întrebare adresată de revadiana70, 8 ani în urmă

Hello! My Name is Meera Spencer. I’m a GP (general practitioner) at a Hospital in Manchester, UK. Every day I ... up at twenty past six. I ... for a ..., then I ... a shower, ... some coffee and leave for work. At the hospital, I ... different patients until noon, when I have a thirty-minute break. I usually go to a restaurant opposite the hospital and ... lunch, either by myself, or with a few colleagues. I ... late in the evening. I ... dinner and then I ... TV or ... an interesting book. I usually ... to sleep around midnight

Now mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
Meera is a doctor.

She wakes up at half past 6.

She drinks tea in the morning.

She never takes lunch breaks.

In the afternoon she goes to sleep.

She watches TV in the evening.


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Learn34


1)Meera is a doctor. (F)

She's a general practitioner.

2)She wakes up at half past 6. (F)

She wakes up at 6:20

3) She drinks tea in the morning (F)

She drinks coffee in the morning

4) She never takes lunch breaks (F)

She has a 30 minutes break in the afternoon.She usually goes to a restaurant opposite the hospital for lunch.

5)In the afternoon she goes to sleep (F)

In the afternoon she works at the hospital with patients

6) She watches TV in the evening (T)

Răspuns de babushka
1. True

2. False

3. False

4. False

5. False

6. True
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