Engleza, întrebare adresată de niki65, 9 ani în urmă

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O compunere despre animalul tau preferat(10propozitii)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Denysuk1
Animalul meu preferat este pisicul meu Lucas.In fiecare zi cand plec la scoala sau oriunde altundeva,ma conduce pana la usa.Iar cand revin din nou acasa,ma asteapta pe hol.
Il iubesc enorm de mul.Este un pisic dragalas,jucaus si foarte simpatic.Atunci cand ii vorbesc se uita in ochi mei si imi dau intotdeauna un raspuns:miau!
Are o culoare portocalie si ochii sunt in ton cu blanita.I-am pus o zgarda rosie la gat si un medalion cu numele lui gravat.
Nu vreau sa imi imaginez cand nu o sa mao fie Lucas.
Ii place foarte mult sa stea pe balcon sa priveasca afara.Dar la fel ii place sa mai vaneze cate o musca cu labuta.Acesta este pisicul meu Lucas.

Denysuk1: scz.nu am vazut ca era in engleza.
Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
Hmm... Bine. Sa zicem.... Pisici.

Cats are very popluar pets all around the world. They were domestic house cats evolved very long ago. I like them because they are so funny , adorable and it is very relaxing to stay with them. If they really like you , cats will give you "gifts" as a reward for being a friend. Knowing that, a cat is very lovable . They really like to play and have energy ,still it is noticable how much they sleep. Another thing about them is their purring. Doctors say that this activity of the cat is very good for their health and the others that they sit by. If you have your kitten since it was born , rumours say that they will try to talk to you as in imitating your voice or meowing. That is why I appreciate cats.

Sa imi spui daca e cam complicat ca sa ti-l simplific

niki65: te rog sa mil semplifici in 7 propozitii
Utilizator anonim: Bn. Cats are great animals. They were made very long ago and almost everyone should have heard about them. They purr which is veru helpful for their and our health. Cats try to talk to you but their throats are not evolved enough. A lovable fact about them is that they bring their firends gifts . They are trusting their wild instics for that. That is why cats are my favourite animals yet.
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