Engleza, întrebare adresată de LaryLaryssa10, 9 ani în urmă

Help me !!
O cumpunere (4-7 randuri) in engleza, in care sa folosesc cuvintele : YET, ALREADY AND JUST !! Sa fie despre o ceva obisnuit, cum ar fi : Ca merg la cinema cu prietenii, ca merg intr.o tabara, etc.
Repede va rog !!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de neowana
Yesterday I went with my friends at the cinema to watch Titanic.Even though I have already seen that movie twice I still wanted to go because of my passion and love for that emotional movie.It was just what I expected it to be,we had lots of fun and later on we went on shopping spree.It has been a great day!
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