Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreeanaida, 8 ani în urmă

Help meeee❤️❤️❤️repede


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de KaytlinMor


A: Hi, Mary. I didn't see you at school last Monday.

B: Hello, Bob. I didn't come on Monday. I wasn't feeling well, so I decided to go to the doctor.

A: Oh! Was it serious?

B: No, the doctor examined me and told me I had the flue. He prescribed some medicine and told me to go home and rest.

A: Did you stay home all day last Monday?

B: No, only in the morning. I had to work in the afternoon, and guess what?

A: What?

B: When a friend drove me home, he crashed his car. He didn't see the red light.

A: Did anyone get hurt?

B: Thank God, nobody did.

A: I'm happy to hear that. Well, Mary, I have to rush now. While I was listening to your story, I remembered that my wife asked me to go to get our car. See you later. Take care.

B: You too. Bye.

Good luck!

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