Engleza, întrebare adresată de dianalory20, 9 ani în urmă

HELP PLEASEE!!! Unscramble the sentences ( sa puneti cuvintele in ordine pentru a forma propozitii ) a) every, school, go, I, at, to 8, day. b) for, She, to, remembers, buy, always, chocolate, us. c) They, go, to, in, the, usually, mountains, winter. d) forget, to, We, to, never, Sue, our, invite, birthday. e) Saturday, late, sleep, sometimes, on, They. f) buy, We, pork, rarely, veal, and. g) finally, managed, They, the, finish, to essay. h) My, always, cooks, mother, at, soup, weekend, the. i) usually, games, watches, Dad, the, football, evening, in . j) My, sometimes, invites, house, brother, friends, to, the, his.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
a. I go to school every day at 8.
b. She always remembers to buy chocolate for us.
c. They usually go to the mountains in winter.
d. We never forget to invite Sue to our birthday.
e. They sometimes sleep late on Saturdays.
f. We rarely buy pork and veal.
g. They finally managed to finish the essay.
h. My mother always cooks soup at the weekend.
i. Dad usually watches football games in the evening.
j. My brother sometimes invites his friends to his house.

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