Engleza, întrebare adresată de MariucaIhaveaCrush, 8 ani în urmă

toata poza va rog :3​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de pachetdeguma30

3. 3. C

   4. A

   5. B

   6. B

   7. C

   8. A

   9. A

   10. B

4. 1.  A: You look really tired. What were you doing all morning?

     B: I've been unpacking boxes all morning.

   2. A: Have you tried Indian food?

     B: Yes, I have.

     A: Really? When have you tried it?

     B: Three weeks ago.

   3. A: Hello, Tomson Roofing Company. How will you introduce yourself?

     B: Hello. My name is Mr. Smith and I've got a problem with my roof tiles.


TricksterFan: Cred ca la 3 A este "How can I help you?". De obicei asa raspund companiile la telefon.
MariucaIhaveaCrush: okey
MariucaIhaveaCrush: multumesc <3
pachetdeguma30: ok scuze
pachetdeguma30: ai dreptate, este How can I help you? scuza-ma
MariucaIhaveaCrush: probabil ca da.. asa ma gandeam si eu :3
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