Engleza, întrebare adresată de veroncic, 9 ani în urmă

''Help your brother's boat across,and your own will reach the shore'' ajutorrr

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Răspuns de vrepetchi
Ajuta barca fratelui tau sa ajunga pe mal,si vei ajunge malul tu insusi.

veroncic: am nevoie de eseu nu de traducere mersi oricum
Răspuns de star12
When you helped your brother with anything even the most smallest thing,you will recieve your own "help". That thing that you helped him/her with,he/she will be thankfull for what you've done,and you will get a wish to become true.When you help anybody,especially a brother,you will recieve more then a wish to came true,you will get more than a " Thank you!",you will go trough life with a new relationship,a relationship of beauty and funny moments that you got through with them,we all can do so many things to help others,that we didn't even realise,out there it always exists a thing that you can help anyone with. After you've helped somebody with something,you will win somegthing good,in future,that you will be happy of,and remember the good times When you felt some butterflies of joy în your tummy,and that was because of pure proudness,that really is feeling wonderfull. After all,help to be helped.

star12: Sper să te ajutenu,nu am numărat cuvintele dar ,mi-a fost plăcere să pot sa-ti fiu dintr-un fel de ajutor.(nu asta spune și proverbul??)
veroncic: multumesc frumos
star12: Nici o problema
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