Engleza, întrebare adresată de userrr1392, 8 ani în urmă

helppppppppp!!!!!!! ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de urzica666


Now write a letter,answering your penfreind's questions.

That sounds really interesting. I really like dolphins too,but recently I've enjoyed more horror movies,especially because it was in the spookie month. But I don't really watch television, I usually spend my time playing video games on my computer.

Write your letter on your answer sheet.

Hello there! I'm happy that you wanna talk! I'm not used to this penfreind thing,but I thought it was worth a try. Not much about me, I like video games and watching movies. Also I got into horror movies recently. What about you? What do you like?

Sper că este de ajutor!

Răspuns de doyoung


Dear, Mark (poți alege orice alt nume)

I'm writing to let you know that I've sucessfully recieved your letter.

I was very excited when I heard about the dolphin programme you seen recently. I bet you learnt so many interesting things about their habits, isn't that so?

In my case, these days I've been enjoying a very nice programme about music on television. Even though I barely have time to watch it, I always try my best to don't miss a single episode. I am really happy to tell you that I learnt a lot about music thanks to this programme.

Please let me know if you're interested in it. Also, I think it's important to tell you that such a television programme airs once a week, on Friday.

Well, that's all for now! I am looking forward hearing your opinion!


(put your name)

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