hey imi traduce si mie din romana in engleza multumesc anticipat.
Homescoolingul poate reprezenta o alternativa a sistemului educational romanesc. Cei care invata acasa pot recepta mult mai eficient informatiile fiind intr-un mediu mult mai comod.cei care aleg aceasta forma de de educatie isi pot personifica orarul dupa propriile nevoi si dupa propriul stil de invatare, astfel invatarea in sine este mult mai eficienta.
Pe langa avantajul transmiterii eficiente a continutului cognitiv si a lejeritatii invatarii homescoolingul aduce si dezavantaje pe plan social .
O persoana care invata acasa nu i se dezvolta abilitatea de a socializa cu cei din jurul sau. In scolile traditionale fiecare elev interactioneaza cu grupul astfel elevilor li se dezvolta capacitatea de a comunica , de a socializa ceea ce in cadrul invatarii acasa nu este posibil.
Un alt desavantaj al homescoolingului este faptul ca dupa terminarea studiilor nu se acorda nici o diploma prin care sa se poata certifica competenta elevilor.
In cincluzie Homescoolingul poate fi o forma alternativa a invatamantului traditional de care poate beneficia persoanele cu nevoi speviale. Ca ajantaj aceasta forma de invatare aduce un plus la nivelul informational dar aduce si un minus in ceea ce priveste relationarea si munca in echipa
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
Homescoolingul may represent an alternative to the Romanian educational system. Those who learn at home can receive more effective information being in an environment more comod.cei who choose this form of education can personify their schedule after their own needs after their own learning style, so learning itself is more efficient. Besides the advantage of efficient transmission of cognitive content and learning slackness homescoolingul brings socially disadvantaged. A learner home not develop the ability to socialize with those around him. In traditional schools each student interacts with the group so students are developing the ability to communicate, socialize in learning what home is not possible. Another disadvantaged field of homescoolingului is that after graduation does not provide any degree to be certified by competent students. In cincluzie Homescoolingul can be an alternative form of education that can benefit traditional speviale people with disabilities. As this form of learning ajantaj adds the information but brings a minus in terms of networking and teamwork
Răspuns de
Homescooling can be an alternative to the Romanian educational system. Those who learn at home can receive information more efficiently in a more convenient environment. People who choose this form of education can personalize their schedule according to their own needs and their own learning style, so learning is much more effective.
Besides the advantage of efficient transmission of cognitive content and ease of learning, homeschooling also brings social disadvantages.
A person who learns at home does not develop the ability to socialize with those around him. In the traditional schools each student interacts with the group so that students develop the ability to communicate, socialize what is not possible in home learning.
Another disadvantage of homeschooling is the fact that after graduation there is no diploma to certify the competence of students.
Inclusion Homescooling can be an alternative form of traditional education that can benefit people with special needs. To help this form of learning add to the informational level, but also brings a minus in relation to teamwork and teamwork
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