Engleza, întrebare adresată de sophiecapcelea657, 8 ani în urmă

Homework :to find definition to new words. a short paragraph :every moment has a meaning enough 10 sentences cuvintele centre, band ,crafts, clarinet, fitness, painting, editor, newspaper, needle work, to sew

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de miaumiaupisica

Centre= the middle point or part of something

Band= a group of musicians

Crafts=1.skill, experience

2. Art

Clarinet=a tube-shaped musical instrument that is played by blowing through a single reed

Fitness=the condition of being physically strong and healthy

Painting= a picture made by using paint

Editor= a person who corrects or changes a piece of text or film before they are printed or shown

Newspaper=a regularly printed document consisting of large sheets of paper that are folded together, or a website, containing news reports, articles, photographs, and advertisements

Needle work= sewing, especially decorative sewing, done by hand with needle and thread

To sew= to join two pieces of chloth together by putting thread through them with a needle

Every moment has a meaning

It was a chilly day in the beginning of February and my grandmother was telling me how she used to sew beautiful clothes and sell them. I asked her if she could teach me how to sew and she agreed. She told me where to find a sewing machine and the materials. But whenever she wanted to teach me I was either tired or I had homework and when I wanted to learn she wasn't feeling very well. Two months later she passed away but that didn't stop me from trying to learn how to sew because it still reminds me of her and I want to carry on her legacy.

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