Engleza, întrebare adresată de inaromaniuc4, 8 ani în urmă

Write the correct form of the verbs. Use: Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple. Pay attention to the time indicators and the punctuation ( not / ?)
They (write) tests yesterday? Did they write tests yesterday? (?)
No, they didn’t. Yes, they did.
She _________________cooks_________________(cook) every day. (+)
My brothers ____did___aren’t talking______did ______(not/ talk) now. (-)

** Affirmative sentences (+)
He __________________________________ (help) his father now.
I ___________________________________(play) computer games two hours ago.
We _________________________________ (drink) tea every morning.
My cat ______________________________ (steal) a piece of meat yesterday.
Look! My parents ________________________________ (eat) in the kitchen.
The children usually ___________________________(go) to cinema on Fridays.
** Negative sentences (-)
My friends _________________________________ (not/ do) their homework now.
She ______________________________________(not/ drink) coffee in the evening.
We _______________________________ (not/ eat) pizza last Sunday.
My brothers ____________________________ (not / do) morning exercises every day.
I _________________________________ (not / play) the guitar yesterday.
We _______________________________ (not / watch) TV at the moment.
** Interrogative sentences (?)
Your brothers (rest) now? __________________________________________________
No, __________________________________
Mike (work) in the evening? _______________________________________________
Yes, __________________________________
You (drink) green tea yesterday morning?
No, ____________________________
Mary and John (eat) ice-cream now?
Yes, ____________________________
Your sister (cry) 5 minutes ago? ____________________________________________
Yes, ___________________________
Mark (study) English every day? ___________________________________________
No, _____________________________

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de popoviciruslana86


itu place sa pui întrebări.?

inaromaniuc4: mi-ar prinde bine răspunsul la itemul dat, dacă îl cunoști spune, dacă nu conosti,nu răspunde.
Răspuns de llacatus047


Îmi pare rău dar nush. caută pe net

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