Engleza, întrebare adresată de irinanegel, 8 ani în urmă

How did you spend your summ
uacation (30-40 words)​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Tepotajutacuceva
The summer vacation is definitely one of the most beautiful times of the year. Each summer I go to the beach with my family. I adore the sun on my skin, the smell of the waves and the sand sitting cozy in between my fingers. The beaches are always full of kids that are laughing and of joy. I also went to a museum where I saw some really interesting old skeletons and hundreds of species of butterflies. It was truly a great summer.

Tepotajutacuceva: Coroana te rog?
irinanegel: mulțumesc
Răspuns de iulianavornioglu


the moments spent this summer were memorable after a long period of isolation and projection according to the law. when we were free, we took advantage of the freedom of movement by hiking on the oldest mountains in Dobrogea, the Macin Mountains. I went to the beach, listened to the sound of the waves and pampered myself with the sun's rays. this freedom was wonderful and I am left with memories in a new isolation. goodbye summer


clipele petrecute in aceasta vara au fost memorabile dupa o lunga perioada de izolare si proiecție conform legii. in momentul in care am fost liberi, am profitat de libertatea de miscare facand drumetii pe muntii cei mai vechi din Dobrogea, munții Macin. Am fost la plaja, am ascultat sunetul valurilor si m-am răsfățat de razele soarelui. a fost minunata aceasta libertate si raman cu amintiri intr-o noua izolare. la revedere vară!

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