Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexmyk02, 9 ani în urmă

How ___they_____(look)?
____you____(like) watching lonney cartoons?

I ___(eat) cabbage for lunch
___you ___ (know) me? I also ___(have) a cartoon film
i ____(dislike) cats and i nerver ____(trust) them!!
I always ____(run) to school but these day I __(go) by bus

I____(hate) hunters! They _____(kill) animals for pleasure.
va rooog toate la perfect simple !

Mih2007: How have they looked?
Mih2007: Have you liked...?
Mih2007: i have eaten......
Mih2007: have you known me..?
Mih2007: i also have had.....
Mih2007: i have disliked..I have never trusted...
Mih2007: i have always run..
Mih2007: i have gone by bus
Mih2007: i have hated 
Mih2007: they have killed 

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Iurashka
How they look?
Do you like watching lonney cartoons?
I eat cabbage for lunch
Do you know me?I also have a cartoon film.
I dislike cats and I never trustthem!!
I always run to school but these day I go by bus
I hate hunters! They kill animals for pleasure.
Răspuns de Meddye
how they look?
do you like watching lonney cartoons?
i eat cabbage for lunch
do you know me?i also had a cartoon film
i dislike cats and i never trust them!!
i always run to school but these day i go by bus
i hate hunters!they are kill animals for pleasure.
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